“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure.” ― Roy T. Bennett
Comfort zone is where
you feel safe and secure, right? Why would you ever want to get out of it? You
should be happy to be in a stable environment, that seems so obvious.
Unfortunately, it is
not the truth. More you stay in your comfort zone less happy you will become
over time.
If it is making us
less happy then why do we tend to be in the comfort zone? That is because of
the human tendency to save resources. In prehistoric time, energy was quite
limited so our bodies adapted mechanisms to use it efficiently. By
default, we tend to do things which has less mental and physical
In today’s world,
survival is not an issue for most of the population. We can afford to spend our
energy in other areas apart from survival. While doing so our primitive brain
offers resistance.
I was too, trapped in
the comfort zone in the past and recently got into it again. But after
experimenting and gaining knowledge on how to get out of it for good,
I was finally able to defeat it. I will share my knowledge and the resources I
used, so you do not have to spend time researching. After reading this article
you will be ready to get out of your comfort zone.
First, I will share
how much damage can it do, if left unchecked. Then finally go through highly
effective steps to come out of it.
How the comfort zone destroys you in 3 unnoticeable steps
1. Less Growth
Comfort zone prevents
growth. As growing is always uncomfortable.
Making progress is the
main source of happiness.
Hence levels of
happiness decrease too.
2. Avoiding New Experiences and Opportunity
After stagnation, one
might notice being uncomfortable from new things. As new things are risky. He
will stop exposing himself to new ideas too.
Luck is a major factor when it comes to success, not trying new things will lower the luck in general.
Comfort zone starts to
shrink too. Once the things
which were easy to do now give pain even if you think about it.
3. Giving up on dreams
The final blow that comfort zone will give will make us give up on even trying.
As growth and exposer
of new opportunities are not taking place, one will see no way to move forward
and settle down for less.
One will stop dreaming
big and even stop anyone around him who is doing so.
But it is never too
late to start and change your life!
“The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch
Defeating comfort zone monster
First thing you must learn before you start your improvement journey is to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I will be discussing
the method I used to get started and 2 formal methods I learnt along the way.
Cold Showers
It is the easiest way
to start stepping out of the comfort zone.
Basically, you replace
your hot/warm morning shower with a cold shower. You must be thinking this will
give me cold for sure, but that is not the case. Cold showers have shown to
increase immunity, increase alertness and reduce stress.
Point of taking a cold
shower in this context is to step out of the comfort zone every single day.
This accustoms you to the feeling of being uncomfortable, expending
your comfort zone daily.
Procrastination List
- You will need to make a list of things that you have been procrastinating since the last week. It could be as small as cleaning your desk to as big as starting a new project.
- Now pick the smallest task and start doing it.
Seriously, do one right now and then come back!
- Repeat this process until the list is empty.
On completion of the
list, you would be comfortable with doing those things again. As doing it once
offers less resistance the second time.
Tim Ferriss’ Challenges
Tim Ferriss is the
author of the famous book “4-hour workweek”.
Recently while I was going through his book, I came across comfort challenges.
Essentially, these
challenges are things which will make you uncomfortable and overtime it will
expend the comfort zone. Few of them are mentioned on his site. I highly recommend reading "4-hour workweek" if starting to read is in your procrastination list.
I would suggest starting with cold showers and procrastination list. After Completing your list start taking Tim Ferriss’ comfort challenges every week.
Then make sure that
you are constantly trying to make the comfort zone bigger by identifying what
makes you uncomfortable and getting used to it. That’s all you need to
eliminate the comfort zone as a problem in your life! Comment below your
thoughts and do share this article with your friends and family! Thank you for
Please let me know your thoughts and doubts in the comments!