Benefits of higher muscle mass are many for both the genders, like losing weight and improving immunity (Some of them are described later). In my opinion, everyone should strive to gain more muscle because of the health benefits. I have been training for the last 4 years and I have learnt about the number one factor that contributes to muscle gain.
It is progressive overload. It is simply the idea that to build muscle you have to keep increasing the load that you are lifting. If you are doing only bodyweight exercise then it means to increase the number of repetitions. A simple way to implement this would be to maintain a workout journal in google sheets. When you workout just record the number sets, reps (how many times you lifted the weight) and the weight, for a lift. Then next time when you perform the same lift, try to surpass that. You can do that by either increasing load, increasing the number of reps or using a stricter form. If you make this a habit then you would notice you are gaining muscle quicker.
The higher muscle usually equates to a healthier body. This is because it takes energy to maintain your muscles. Your resting metabolism increases (i.e energy you use while doing nothing) when muscle mass increases. This means 2 two things. If you are trying to lose weight, extra muscle mass will help you to lose more. Other is that you are less likely to gain weight, given that your eating habits remain in check. There are a number of other benefits like balanced hormones, increased immunity and lesser problems in later life due to old age.
Thats it for today! Consider following this page for daily content on health, finance, productivity and lessons from books, inshort overall improvement!
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